
Posts Tagged ‘Fast Start’

Nutronix and the Berry Tree have just announced a new marketing option specifically available for Berry Tree Members. You can now purchase “Berry Sign-Ups” (BSUs).

What is a BSU?

BSUs are previous leads that have already shown an interest in the Berry Tree product and business opportunity. They have already signed up for the $4.95 trial offer, and company testing estimates that approximately 50% of BSUs will eventually sign up for the full membership.

If a BSU completes the enrollment to become a full member at the price of $54.95 per month, you are entitled to receive the $27.00 Fast Start Bonus, along with the equivalency of 1 berry member credit (BMC) for each month the member stays enrolled and continues his autoship. However, you do not qualify to receive the monthly residual income of $7.00, 4.00, or 2.00 (depending on the 3 levels), as your normally would if you originaly recruited your own BT members.

Cost of BSUs

Each BSU costs exactly $111. They are sold in packages of 3 BSUs for $333, or 5 BSUs for $555.

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These leads are pre-qualified and will automatically be set to upgrade their membership, unless they specifically cancel. In this situation, you would earn a one-time $27.00 back through Fast Start, which helps cover the overall cost. Since you also receive a Berry Member Credit (BMC) for each member, buying multiple packages of BSUs can significantly decrease the amount of time it takes you to qualify for the Bonus Pools, such as the Bronze Pool, Silver Pool, etc.

BSUs are initially sponsored by the company and converted into spillover for the entire community. As you buy and personally sponsor more BSUs, more individuals will receive spillover in their own trees. Therefore, even those who do not purchase BSU packages will benefit.


If you sign-up a BSU, you do not receive the normal residual income, because the member was originally placed as spillover in another individual’s tree. Based on common MLM principles, monthly commisionable payments are the well-earned rewards for distributors. I say “well-earned” because a distributor is responsible for training his referrals and assisting their growth and promotions on a monthly basis. Therefore, when purchasing BSUs, you are immediately faced with a commission penalty.

There is also absolutely NO guarantee that the BSU will upgrade his/her membership, which could result in an immediate loss of $111. It is also worth noting that the majority of people who join MLM programs are tire kickers; i.e. people who are willing to do little to no work in order to develop their business. These people assume MLM is some kind of “get-rich-quick” magic program, and when they discover that MLM takes time, diligence, and effort, they drop out within 3-6 months. If your previous BSU drops out, you will lose your BMC.

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My Personal Opinion:

I certainly don’t mean to sound like “Captain Negative,” but I’m not very impressed with the overall value of the BSUs when compared with their unit price.

I’m not excited about paying for the right to potentially train and support a member, while enduring a commission penalty. Also, $333 (minimum) is a large sum of money for most individuals. When you consider the fact that the vast majority of BSUs will either fail to upgrade or eventually drop out and forfeit your future BMCs, the cost of $111 per Berry Sign-up appears to be a rather steep Price-Tag.

I feel that $50-60 per BSU would prove to be a much more reasonable price range.

For those considering BSUs-

This is only my “opinion.” We all have the right to decide how we want to market this opportunity, whether we choose BSUs, GTTs, or another means. I believe I can use $111 to market much more efficiently than the average predicted reward that would result from purchasing these BSUs. Others may feel differently, each according to their own experience and abilities.

If you view BSUs as an attractive method to build your business, then by all means, feel free to give them a shot. For those that choose to use BSUs during January or sometime else in the near future, I wish you the best.

More information about BSUs is available here: http://automaticbuilder.com/bsu/

I would be very interested in reading others feelings and experiences regarding the BSUs. Please feel free to comment below!

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– Ryan


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