
Posts Tagged ‘advertising campaign’

Yes, it’s true!

The Berry tree bronze bonus pool did decrease this month by about $30. The January bonus pool share was worth $92, and February’s proved to be about $61. Now, as many of you probably already guessed, this decrease has people concerned and asking questions. I’ve even noticed a few minor panic episodes within forum communities.

If you’re part of the crowd that’s demanding to know “what’s going on?!” –
Don’t worry. You don’t really have any reason to panic. And here is why:

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The Corporate Advertising Campaign just kicked in during February

As previously mentioned in other articles, the bonus pools take a certain amount of dollars- from $1 to 2.50 depending on the pool- from each individual full member in the Berry Tree. The total amount is then equally divided and dispersed among all members who qualify for that specific pool.

Therefore, this means that as more people qualify for the Bronze Pool, the shares will become smaller as more people join…UNLESS more members are constantly joining. That’s the simple math of the system.

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“What does this have to do with the corporate advertising?”

At the beginning of this month, February of 2008, the company just initiated its campaign to advertise the Berry Tree and its free trial offer across the internet. It has been relatively successful so far and brought in 60-100 new people every day. However, the Berry Tree leaders intend for this campaign to eventually bring in 150 people per day, and potentially even more down the road.

As the company stands now, many people who initially joined the program when it was launched one year ago and have been slowly accumulating berry member credits (BMCs) are qualifying for the Bronze Pool for the first time. Since it only takes 20 months of loyalty to the Berry Tree- and only 12-15 months when you have an active Automatic Builder autoship- to earn 10 credits and thus qualify for the Bronze Pool, you’re going to see many new qualifiers over the course of the next couple months.

Is this something to worry about? No. It is true that the bronze pool took a hit this past month, and it may be rather slow to rise during the course of the next couple months due to the large wave of new bronze pool qualifiers. However, the advertising campaign is decided to catch up to this increasing rate of change and balance the numbers in our favor.

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It’s not going to happen overnight…

It will take time to “balance the scale.” As I said earlier, we may have to endure a couple months of lower bronze pool shares in the $60-80 range. But, I believe the founders when they said their goal was to attempt to raise the Bronze pool levels to $150 or more.

So, if I had to summarize my recommendation to everyone worried about the current bonus pool drop in 25 words of less, here you go:

“Give it time. The bonus pools may not be worth gold right now, but eventually you’ll see an impressive increase.”

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– Ryan


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