
Posts Tagged ‘$1336’

I think it’s necessary to issue a warning against some rather repetitive information on the internet that could become very misleading.

All over popular forums, blogs, and other internet article platforms, I’m finding authors who are essentially claiming that the company is going to fill your entire Berry Tree matrix for you- whether you recruit people or not- and you will automatically begin to earn $1336 every month after a 20 month period. There are many variations of this statement, but most follow the same idea.

However, this is NOT a safe promise, and the chances of this happening are extremely unlikely. Here’s why…

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Let’s examine the mathematical aspects of this statement:

To earn $1336 residual each month, a member must have his tree completely filled. This requires 8 people on Level 1, 64 people on Level 2, and 512 people on Level 3; totalling 584 people.

Currently, the Berry Tree has a little over 10,000 full (or upgraded) members. This means that in order for each new Berry Tree member to be guaranteed a full tree in 20 months, the company must recruit at least 5,840,000 members; i.e. 584 x 10,000 within this time period!

And, sorry folks. I don’t mean to put a negative twist on the company efforts, but from a realistic MLM point of view, this is a very careless projection for a new-blooded company that is just initiating corporate advertising. One of the training calls mentioned that the company’s goal is to turn our 10K organization into over 100,000 people by 2009. That’s a 1000% increase; not necessarily an easy or guaranteed level, but it is at least a possibility.

Let’s compare that 100K to the 5-6 Million mark mentioned earlier. Now we’re talking about a 50,000 – 60,000% increase compared to 1000%!

Starting to see the flaw with the “lazy $1336” promises? It’s quite far from a realistic 20 month goal!

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However, there is one true 20-month guarantee with the Berry Tree…

Perhaps specific advertisers and Berry Tree endorsers are confusing the matrix with the bonus pool requirements. It is true that anyone willing to commit to 20 months of autoship as an upgraded member will receive 10 berry member credits and thus qualify to earn from the Bronze bonus pool every month.

Yes, this is, in fact, guaranteed, because berry member credits can never be depleted or taken away. But, there is quite a difference between the bronze bonus pool shares and monthly residual income from a filled-tree. After all, we’re talking about $100-150 compared to $1336-1600 per month.

And, I certainly don’t mean to make light of this 20-month bonus. A guaranteed $50-100 and free product each month is certainly nothing to sneeze at. However, it’s more than necessary to clarify that people shouldn’t be expecting $1000s per month within 20 months if they do not plan to help build their own business.

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This entire warning relates back to some of my past encouragements and articles, which point out that those who are willing to put the effort into building a Berry tree team are going to reap the highest rewards.

Regardless, please don’t allow yourself to be deceived by promises of thousands of dollars with little to no work; which applies no matter what business or investing arena you may choose.

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– Ryan


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